Compass Conversations: Amanda Kidd
Amanda doesn't just help with Medicare enrollment, she's also dedicated to helping Veterans understand how Medicare works alongside their existing coverage like VA Healthcare, TRICARE for Life, and CHAMPVA. She makes Medicare MAKE SENSE.
Each month, we'll take you on a journey through the unique stories, passions, and dreams that drive our local entrepreneurs. These are the stories behind the logos and social media posts, the spirited souls enriching our daily lives with their craft and dedication.

What inspired you to start your business?
I was recruited into the insurance business, but I had a special interest in Medicare because my Dad was turning 65 the following year, so I wanted to learn as much as I could to help him make the best decisions!
How does your business contribute to the local community?
I help people understand their health insurance options and make informed decisions. I make the process as stress-free as possible from sign-up to enrollment, then provide customer service year-round. I connect them with resources and go the extra mile, always.
Can you share a memorable experience or success story related to your business?
I am blessed with so many good experiences. Helping people apply for extra help and prescription savings are always great experiences. Anytime I can put money back into a senior's pocket is memorable and fortunately, I see this often.
What challenges have you faced in building your business, and how have you overcome them?
The first year was the hardest, between lack of self-belief and staying motivated as I marketed myself as a brand-new insurance agent. But I pressed on. Each week brought more confidence and every new client brought more experience and referrals.
What makes your business unique?
I am unique in my customer service approach. I take time to build relationships, I always return calls, I make time to listen, and just genuinely serve.
What advice would you give to other small business owners who are just starting out?
Just keep going! No one will ever invest in you the way you can invest in yourself. Learn to appreciate the hard work you are putting in and just trust the process.
How do you see your business evolving in the future?
I know that there are growing pains in my future and I will embrace them. I remember the days I prayed to be where I am.
Do you have a special message that you'd like to share with the community through this article?
I am grateful that I have the opportunity to use the gifts God gave me to serve people through health insurance! It's so much more than just a job or a business to me.