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Compass Conversations: Hill City Warriors, LLC


This blog is close to my heart. Today, I get the pleasure of introducing my husband Tony, who is a Navy veteran, and founder of Hill City Warriors, LLC. Driven by his personal experiences and a deep commitment to supporting fellow vets, Tony established this organization to foster camaraderie and empower veterans through motorcycle maintenance and community support.

Tony is making a real impact and Hill City Warriors is a beacon of hope for many!


Each month, we'll take you on a journey through the unique stories, passions, and dreams that drive our local entrepreneurs. These are the stories behind the logos and social media posts, the spirited souls enriching our daily lives with their craft and dedication.

Motorcycle with Hill City Warriors text
Hill City Warriors

What inspired you to start your business?

After being diagnosed with PTS and losing a few friends to suicide, I had to come up with a way to make a difference and maybe help someone else. 

How does your business contribute to the local community?

Camaraderie with our brothers and sisters is important for us as veterans.  It makes us feel more connected to a community of veterans who understand our struggles.

By having a small shop for us to work on our motorcycles, and by helping each other, it will build self-reliance and empower us to work on, or learn to work on, our own motorcycles while fostering a sense of camaraderie.

Can you share a memorable experience or success story related to your business?

A couple of success stories: We gave a motorcycle to a veteran in need of one, it wasn't a raffle, just a drawing of submitted applicants' names. 

We have also helped other suicide awareness organizations by raising about $800 by doing 400-mile, 200-mile, and 100-mile challenge rides for Mission 22, and Stop Soldier Suicide. 

What challenges have you faced in building your business, and how have you overcome them?

We have many challenges as a very young non-profit. But a couple have been: Relying on donations; it is hard when you are unknown by the public, and material for easier access for the patrons has been pretty much out of my own pocket, which makes progress slow.

What makes your business unique? 

We're unique because there are no other shops in our area, or even the state, that offers what we do for free. It's all about helping veterans to turn the screws on their bikes instead of inside their heads. 

What advice would you give to other small business owners who are just starting out?

My advice for someone just starting a business is to keep focused on your goal. It may not happen overnight, and you'll have a lot of negative input from others, but keep your goals realistic and alive. Keep your tasks doable.

How do you see your business evolving in the future?

I would love to have a permanent brick-and-mortar shop with a staff of volunteers to be at the ready to help anyone who comes in with a motorcycle.

Do you have a special message that you'd like to share with the community through this article?

I would like to tell the public to keep an eye out for Hill City Warriors' events and become a supporter, or volunteer. And, above all else, thank our veterans and keep an eye out for motorcycles on the road, it may very well be the veteran that did what others haven't. 

Visit us online! Website | Facebook | Donate

Photo of the owner and her husband who live in Madison Heights VA

Hi, I'm Michelle

I'm the owner of County Compass, and an Amherst County resident. 

I love our community and want to help new homeowners find all the local gems that may not get enough exposure on social media.

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