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What do you get with your listing?
When you place your trust in us, you aren't just "getting ad space" in a printed book.

All paid accounts include:​

We have plans that range from FREE to only $70/mo! In that way, you can scale to your needs with SUPER targeted marketing; the people who pick up our directory are community members who believe in actively supporting small businesses.


Our directory isn't just a book full of ads though; it’s a resource of community resources, stories about local businesses, and a special highlight on businesses that support our Veterans.


Custom-designed ad in a nostalgic printed book that is distributed online and in Amherst, Madison Heights, Lynchburg, and Lynch Station.


If you offer Veteran discounts or services, your information will be duplicated in a dedicated section just for veterans to find your business.


​Online listing with your details, logo, backlinks to your website, and a map link to your store, if applicable.


We regularly engage with your social media pages through "likes", comments, shares, and recommending your business in local FB groups.


Newsletter highlights and blog opportunities shared to our social media accounts about your company and what makes it special.


Fun marketing opportunities like our recent "Compass Guardians" comic series.
County Compass Directory Bedside
Select your plan below
Flame + Arrow Full Page

Full-Page Directory Listing



Every month

Address | Phone | Website

Several Photos

Ample room to highlight the best aspects of your business

Front page of the online directory

Blog Interview

Free Marketing Opportunities

Your event (hosted by you) in print and online

Custom QR Tracking Service

Best Value

Half-Page Directory Listing



Every month

Address | Phone | Website

Logo or Photo

Details about your company

Online Directory

Blog Interview

Free Marketing Opportunities

Events (hosted by you) added to the online event calendar

County Compass Half-Page Listings
Mini-Directory Listings

Mini-Directory Listing



Every month

Address | Phone | Website

Your Logo or Photo

Details about your company

Online Directory

Blog Interview

Free - Listing Only



"Verified" icon next to your listing

Address | Phone Number

County Compass Free Listings
QR Tracking Report

Custom QR Tracking Service



Every month

Enhance your printed ad's impact! Understand your ROI and make data-driven decisions with ease.

Valid until canceled

Available as an add-on to any plan

Monthly Reports Including:

# of Unique Visits

City Where Code Was Scanned

Frequently Asked Questions



Can I update my business information once it's listed?

Absolutely! We understand that businesses evolve. You can update your business details by contacting our team via email. Please keep in mind, this is a custom printed directory, so any changes will take effect in the next quarter's print cycle.


Can any business be listed in the directory?

The primary criterion is that your small business operations must be based in Central Virginia. This ensures we're promoting truly local small businesses and services to our residents.


How does County Compass differ from online directories?

While online directories offer vast amounts of information, they can be impersonal and overwhelming. County Compass is a carefully curated, tangible directory that provides residents with information on local, small & home-based businesses. Moreover, it's designed with the community's interests at heart, making it a reliable and trustworthy source for residents.


How often is a new edition of County Compass released?

We release a new edition of County Compass monthly, as needed, to ensure up-to-date information for our residents.


Can I cancel at any time?

Yes, you may cancel your listing at any time. However, please note that since County Compass is a custom printed directory, we cannot offer refunds for the months your listing was included. We currently reprint the directory monthly, so once your listing is printed, it's in circulation until the next edition. We recommend considering the timing if you're thinking of cancellation to make the most of your listing.

  • 14.99$
    Every month
  • 9.99$
    Every month
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